Dr. Mark Gill

“Both your assistance in our face-to-face meetings and telephone conversations and your referral to another MF were extremely helpful. For that reason and many others I was keen to recommend you as a Mackenzie to my friend.”

– Mr. H (London)

“Just to say again a BIG THANK YOU for all your advice and support over the past few months!! You’ve really been terrific and I know the whole thing would have been much more stressful without you being there to assist. One of the best decisions I made during this whole thing was getting in touch with you and deciding to go the LIP route – there have definitely been some upsides to the whole process!!

Very best wishes and hope to stay in touch in the future.”

– Mr. A (Brighton)

“Jake has been just fantastic, it’s like he’s not been away, chatting, playing, giving us cuddles, laughing…..we have taken them swimming, played football, computer games and well just being a family together. Jake has asked when can he go to Spain, he wants to go at Christmas! (we cant, but we said we will go in the summer).

This is all very strange, I am wondering why did he refuse to see us, 5 times…. what was the differences! I guess will never know…. we contact you again soon. Once again thank you so much for your guidance…. :-)”

– Mr. R (Middlesbrough)

“Well, I did celebrate yesterday and have a few beers and Mel and myself nestled down knowing Christmas will be lovely after all, thanks to you. You were really amazing in court and the advice you gave me was paramount in what we all achieved.”

– Mr. B (Oxfordshire)

“Like many fathers I was lost and confused by the whole family court drama and with emotions running high found it almost impossible to focus on what was important. I started using a solicitor but they really only want money, take instruction and offer little advice and definitely no support. You realise early on that support exists for mothers in every guise but as a father you are totally alone and socially isolated.

I read forums and joined the FNF and quickly decided that being a litigant in person was the best way to go and sought the help of a McKenzie friend.

Gaining the help of Dr Gill was by far the best and probably life changing decision I have ever made. Yes you have to speak in court and yes you have to deal with the other party’s solicitors and barristers but for me the wealth of experience and emotional support you get from a McKenzie friend like Dr Gill is worth 10 times more than he charges. Mark always returned my calls and even called just to chat and make sure I was holding up. Make no mistake a good McKenzie friend and Mark is, takes on your case at a personal level, gets intimately involved and can run rings round Solicitors and Barristers who really have no interest in the outcome other than being paid.

My case is far from over but without the help and support Mark has given me I would given up a long time ago and would not have had the contact I have today with my children. I still have a long way to go but I have gained a good friend

Two pieces of advice, go it alone with the help of a McKenzie friend and never ever give up.”

– Mr. F (Hampshire)